
Primpex S.p.a recognizes and respects the importance of protecting your privacy. To this end, we have adopted the principles set out in this privacy policy (the "Policy") to regulate the use and disclosure of your personal information. Although it is impossible to guarantee that such information is or will be absolutely safe from access or use unauthorized, the intent of the following information is to inform you about the actions we have taken and to protect the data that you choose to disclose to us. We recommend that you carefully review this information before you submit your personal data.

This policy applies to all services and websites offered by Primpex Spa (collectively, the "Site") and all personal data that are acquired or received directly from you, either manually or through digital processing. It does not apply to data that our clients acquire or receive from you. Although reasonable precautions are in place from the point of view to protect all personal information under our control or in our possession, we can not guarantee or enforce the privacy of our customers. For this reason, we invite you to check the privacy policies of the websites of our individual customers before communicating them or through your personal data..

Data acquisition
We can acquire your personal data on the site for the following purposes, but not limited to them: (a) to facilitate the provision of services, (b) provide you with the information you requested and to ensure a custom interaction, (c) measure the 'interest in various services, (d) inform you of new services and functions, and (e) to facilitate the development of new services and features that meet your needs. The information we request may include personally identifiable information such as name, billing and shipping address, phone number, e-mail address, or credit card information. It is solely up to you to decide whether or not to communicate this information to identify you personally. However, if you decide not to communicate these data, we may not be able to process an order, provide a service or display certain content on the site. Personal data, including personally identifiable information, will not be sold or otherwise transferred to third parties. When you move into the site, you can do it anonymously, because while browsing are not acquired personal data. There is a technology called "cookies" which can be used to provide you with tailored information. We may use cookies to provide a better service. Cookies are pieces of information that a website transfers to your computer's hard disk for archival purposes. Cookies can make the Web more useful by storing information about your preferences for a particular site. The use of cookies is an industry standard used by many major websites to better serve customers. Cookies, by themselves do not personally identify users, but the computer of a user. Most browsers are initially set to accept cookies. If you wish, you can set your browser to refuse cookies. We treat personal information that may be contained in cookies with the same level of protection as other personal data that you sent us. 

The personal data are communicated to us are released only in limited cases. Such cases include but are not limited to the following: (a) within the scope required by law or to respond to legal proceedings or in the good faith belief that such action is required by law or comply with legal process in us; (b) to protect the security and integrity of the site and our services, and (c) to protect our rights and our property and the rights and property of others, (d) to take precautions against any liability (e) to respond to claims that any data sent to infringe on the rights or interests of third parties; (f) to solve technical problems and failures regarding the way the site works or processes data from visitors; (g ) in connection with a merger, consolidation or sale of all or substantially all of the stock or assets of one or more of our activities, (h) to provide to our customers, as a result of your request, the assurance that you will not receive further communications from us or our customers, or (i) according to specific instructions of our customers in relation to a service provided by us on behalf of our clients.

Access to personal data
Those who want to access their personal data by us directly acquired by a person, you may contact the compliance officer in relation to privacy, as set forth below. Those who want to access their personal data, which we have received from a customer, must contact the customer directly. We require that our clients comply with the laws and regulations concerning privacy with regard to the use of our services and that all messages sent by our customers using our services, by any means, contain the valid name and the necessary contact information of the customer.

Security Reasonable and appropriate protections are employed to ensure that the personal data entrusted to us are not used improperly or that you can not access it without permission. Personal data is stored in our platforms and platforms of our agents / suppliers, with limited access to employees and suppliers who require such access to perform a legitimate business function related to services or maintenance, internal security or related operations. In addition, internal audit records are generated that contain all the login information and personal data stored in our database. A vendor contracted to provide services for us and that you wish to access personal information must generally agree to abide by the terms of this policy.

Third-Party Web Sites
The site may contain links to Web sites of third parties. Although we try to link only to sites that share our high standards and our respectfor privacy, we are not responsible for the content and privacy practices of third-party Web sites. For this reason, we invite you to check the privacy policy of these sites before providing them or through your personal data.

Compliance check
We periodically check our compliance with this statement.

Consent and Changes to the privacy policy
Il sito è stato creato e viene da noi controllato da noi stessi. L'uso del sito implica l'accettazione della presente informativa. Se non accettate la presente informativa, astenetevi dall'utilizzare il sito. Ci riserviamo il diritto di apportare modifiche alla presente informativa in qualsiasi momento e senza preavviso. Controllate periodicamente questa pagina per eventuali modifiche. L'utilizzo del sito dopo la pubblicazione delle modifiche alla presente informativa implica l'accettazione di tali modifiche.

Any doubts as to whether our part of this policy should be brought to the attention dell'addetto compliance regarding privacy, using the information provided below.

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